Poselství k posvátnému :noci a dnu (sv.) Jana/Message to (the celebration) (sacred:) night and day of (h.) John 24.6.2021
Message to sacred John´s day and night (celebration) from the day 24.6.2021(part I) :
(Holy) John, what you said on requesting/praying to revealing your understanding your experience to the secret(s)?
It exists some being which said (also dream? for example in cultures)): Who honours me, these will come to me.
Being EUIOAJHVH speak to us in secret, it is often interesting to us. It place is anything like secret dimension, heaven kingdom, place (island) (T)Avalon,sacred kingdom. Some sovereigns would want to destroy it, but meanwhile it is hidden.
It comes the song of reality, in which sacred forces of …man and …God/Goddess connect, coexist and act, and in this reality exists presents of beings going to entusiasm, growing to sacred reachings, to sacred fillings…also in times and places given and got to them (for example it is about Fullness, heaven realities, juice of paradise…) .
And I (big as dust) exclaimed enthusiastic: You are my …Masteress, Goddess and Lady/…Master, God and Lord.
Understanding to them who are not on wave of spirituality, here are some interesting realities:
I didn´t see …Godess/God, so I don´t believe in them…some joke: Lady, I didn´t see your cave, but I believe, that the cave is smiling to me (when I see her, that she is growing according to (sacred) Nature).
And other interesting relities: alternative ways of healing, exercising of muscles and their energy, fulling enthusiastic living with celebrations, season´s actings…
Influence of karma to modeling of way of individuals, …nations, civilisations…, why is here illness when EUIOAJHVH want(s) Harmony, how we understand to/look at Janu(a) Husovi(a), Jeronýma(ovi) Pražského(ému), Janu(a) Kozinovi(u), Jánošíku(a), Janu(a) Ámosi(e) Komenského(ému)…Jesus Christ? And how we understand for example spiritual speaches? What about violence for example in healing? What about violence at work ? Living for example rights and liberties of equality of workers? And what about violence anywhere? Is it possible to take a taste of connecting of …visible and unvisible (things)?
For society seeing contributions in : …Evolution/Development in …Fullness also for individual, (and in older vocabulary:) Slušovice (place of producing quality products) for each (other)…